Virtual Meeting (Covid-19)

Dealing with COVID-19

If you are concerned that you may have been exposed to Covid-19 or if you are taking precautions to avoid close contact with others, we can still help you—from a safe distance!

For those that have filed a bankruptcy or proposal with our firm, we can arrange for telephone or video counselling (by way of FaceTime (ios), zoom etc) so that you do not have to attend at our offices. Payment can be made by e-transfer (contact our reception for details) or by cheque mailed to our main office.

If you are a new client, we can carry out the consultation by phone or video conference (zoom, skype or face-time) and you can sign your paperwork from the comfort and security of your home by using a smart phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.

We want to help to stop the creditors from bothering you and stop any legal action they may be taking without you having to attend in person at our office (or have to take public transit to get here).

Call us today to learn more about how we can help protect you from creditors without having to step foot into our office.

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